Dr. Saheli Sengupta


Dr. Saheli Sengupta

Faculties: Centre For Renewable & Sustainable Energy Studies Faculty

JIS Institute of Advanced Studies & research

Arch Waterfront, GP Block, Sector V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091

Current Designation: Assistant Professor
Centre for Renewable & Sustainable Energy Studies (CReSES), JISIASR (May, 2024-till date)        

 E-mail ID:  saheli.s@jisiasr.org / sahelisgpg@gmail.com         

GoogleScholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=o5Lr8fkAAAAJ&hl=en

Orchid id: 000-0002-6283-4815

Web of Science id: KMX-7521-2024

Ph.D. position available: Highly motivated candidates, either self-funded or qualified through NET/GATE, with backgrounds in Electrical engineering, Electronics engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or from Energy studies background are invited to contact Dr. Saheli Sengupta. Opportunities are available for pursuing Ph.D. on a full-time or part-time basis in the renewable energy field.

Professional Experiences

May 2024- Present:   Assistant Professor, JIS Institute of Advanced Studies and     Research (JISIASR), JIS University, Kolkata, India

August, 2023-April, 2024: Guest Faculty, Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Institute of Technology & Sports Complex

Academic Backgrounds:

Ph.D : IIEST Shibpur, Howrah, India, under the guidance of Professor Chandan Kumar Chanda (EE, IIEST Shibpur) and Professor Hiranmay Saha (SAMGESS, IIEST Shibpur)

ME:  Jadavpur University, West Bengal, India, under the guidance of Professor Niladri Chakraborty (Power Engineering, JU)

Research Interests:

1.    Estimation of PV Soiling loss

Assessment of PV soiling loss in arid and semiarid region is required to forecast the PV generation loss under dusty environment since it will increase the system operational efficiency of a solar PV integrated power system. Inclusion of the harsh weather conditions like snow fall, sand storm, cementation is needed in the model for monofacial module. Analyse the effect of dust in industrial belt. Some more physical processes like dust deposition due to precipitation at the back surface of bifacial module has to be included to get more accurate results appearing at different places. Use the develop model to optimize and scheduling the power system operation of a PV integrated power system.

2.    Validation of PV Soiling model for providing better generation guarantee in different PV applications

Model for monofacial module is to be validated for more national and international plants installed in dusty environment and desert areas. Bifacial PV soiling model is to be validated in various applications (e.g., agrivoltaic, plant in desert area etc.). Develop a user-friendly software package including both types of models (monofacial and bifacial) for PV plant design engineers to assess the soiling related generation reduction of a PV plant for a particular location instead of using an ad hoc value for the soiling losses.

3.    Development of dust detection, cleaning technology

Develop a simple and automatic dust detection mechanism to optimize the cleaning frequency and usage of water in water-based cleaning system. Analyse the effect of different anti soiling coating in field application. Analyse the effect of different cleaning technology in field application.

4.    Analyse the effect of different backsheet (BS) materials in PV performance

Characterization and evaluation of industrial grade different BS materials to selecting the correct material in particular applications. Estimate the life time of the BS in certain PV installation. Estimate the effect of BS material health to PV module life and performance.

5.    Image assisted degradation analysis of PV module

Use image analysis method to assess soiling loss in outdoor condition. Use this to detect the module health and module performance and reliability in field.

6.    Assessment of performance of renewable system integrated to existing grid 

Study the energy management with uncertain renewable source and variable load to maintain the system stability and optimize the cost of operation. Use bioenergy, hydrogen energy, battery energy sources and EV (as load and source when needed) in renewable integrated power system, to maintain operational stability, as these sources are of utmost importance. Include PV module reliability in assessment of power system reliability.

Awards & Achievements:

  1. National Scholar for Higher Secondary Examination in 2012
  2. JIS Samman 2015 for Best student award in Department Level-2015
  3. JIS Samman 2021 for Best student award in Department Level-2016
  4. JIS Samman 2021 for College Blue-2016
  5. ‘DST-IIEST Solar PV Hub’ project fellowship during PhD
  6. Invited speaker in International PV Quality Assurance Task Force (PVQAT)
  7. Membership awarded by the International Solar Energy Society (ISES), Germeny
  8. Work reported in PV Magazine

Synergistic Activities

  1. Reviewer:
  2. CIEC 2024
  3. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis
  4. Springer Nature
  5. Fellow:

Member IET, UK

Member ISES, Germany   

  • Collaborative work with different industries           

  Journal Publications

  1. Saheli Sengupta, Samarjit Sengupta and Hiranmay Saha, “Comprehensive Modeling of Dust Accumulation on PV Modules Through Dry Deposition Processes”, IEEE JPV, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1148– 1157, Jul. 2020.
  2. Saheli Sengupta, Samarjit Sengupta, Chandan Kumar Chanda and Hiranmay Saha, “Modeling the effect of relative humidity and precipitation on photovoltaic dust accumulation processes”, IEEE JPV, Vol. 11, NO. 4, pp. 1069–1077, July 2021
  3. Saheli Sengupta, Aritra Ghosh, Tapas K Mallick, Chandan Kumar Chanda, Hiranmay Saha, Indrajit Bose, Joydip Jana, “Model Based Generation Prediction of SPV Power Plant Due to Weather Stressed Soiling”, Energies,14(17), 5305, pp. 1-16, 2021 (Collaborated work with University of Exeter, UK)
  4. Saheli Sengupta, Chandan Kumar Chanda, Hiranmay Saha, Samarjit Sengupta, “Modeling the dust accumulation process on the rear side of a bifacial PV module for soiling loss estimation”, Solar Energy Advances, Vol. 3, No. 100046, pp. 1-12, 2023 (reported in PV Magazine)
  5. Indrajit Bose, Saheli Sengupta, Hiranmay Saha, Samarjit Sengupta, Sugato Ghosh, “Development of smart dust detector for optimal generation of SPV power plant by cleaning initiation”, Solar Energy, vol. 276, no. 112643, pp.1-10, 2024.

  Conference Publications

  1. Saheli Sengupta, Suman Maiti, Subhashis Ghosh, Arnab Das, Samarjit Sengupta, Hiranmay Saha, “A long term PV power degradation prediction due to dust fouling and environmental stresses”, 2019 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), pp. 179-183, 2019. (Available in IEEE Xplore)
  • Indrajit Bose, Saheli Sengupta, Samarjit Sengupta, Hiranmay Saha, “Seasonal variability in optical properties of photovoltaic module due to dust deposition: A case study in IIEST, Shibpur”, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), pp. 1-6, 2020. (Available in IEEE Xplore)
  • Saheli Sengupta, Samarjit Sengupta, H Saha, “A novel approach for wind speed variability estimation for smart energy system operation”, IET Digital Library, pp. 106-114, 2020. (Available in IEEE Xplore)
  • Arnab Ghosh, Saheli Sengupta, Niladri Chakraborty, Gargi Konar, “Renewable Based Hybrid Microgrid Scheduling Incorporating Demand Side Management”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Intelligent Energy Management in Smart Cities (ICIEMSC-2021), pp. 1-7, Nov. 25-16, 2021
  • Saheli Sengupta, Chandan Kumar Chanda, Hiranmay Saha, Samarjit Sengupta, “Effect of PV Soiling on Day-ahead Scheduling of a Grid Integrated Microgrid”, Proceedings of Int. conf. ISDCS 2023, pp. 1-5, 2023 (Available in IEEE Xplore)
  • Saheli Sengupta, Chandan Kumar Chanda, Hiranmay Saha, “A Cost Effective Operation Scheduling of a Solar PV-Biogas-Wind-Grid Integrated Microgrid Considering PV Soiling Loss”, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC24), pp. 147-152, 2024
  • Riya Paul, Saheli Sengupta, Sugato Ghosh, “A Novel Cost-effective Hybrid Free Cooling Solution to Reduce Thermal Loss of Roof-top Solar PV Power Plant”, presented in One-Day Seminar on Roadmap for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals, April, 2024
  • Madhusree Bhattacharjee, Sugato Ghosh, Saheli Sengupta, “Mobile Green Power Pack: A Sustainable Solution for Green House Gas Reduction During Festive Seasons”, presented in One-Day Seminar on Roadmap for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals, April, 2024
  • Saheli Sengupta, Chandan Kumar Chanda, Hiranmay Saha, Samarjit Sengupta, “Performance Study of Different Commercially Available Backsheet Materials of New and Field Used PV Modules”, accepted in ICRESS, 2024