Abstract submission is open for posters and oral presentations. Abstract shall be submitted in maximum two A4 pages (only in MS word or pdf format) including Title, Author (s), Affiliation, Text, Figure, Table, and References. We will accept studies that are complete and/or ones that can report at least preliminary results. Times New Roman 12pt font, 1.5 spacing is to be used in the body of the abstract, unless stated otherwise. The total number of tables, images and figures should be restricted to four, each of which will count as 200 to 300 words. Abstract can have multiple authors out of which one should be the corresponding author. Corresponding details of corresponding author should be correct which will be used for further communication. The received abstracts undergo blind review process by our organizing committee members and esteemed review team. Criteria considered for acceptance includes quality, plagiarism, format, etc. After acceptance of abstract the authors need to complete their registration after which the slot will be confirmed. Official language for abstract submission is English. Translational facilities of the submitted abstract.
Abstract to be sent at: icamm2024.cis@gmail.com
The conference will have following topical themes covering nearly the entire range of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing.
Acceptance of the abstract will be notified in due course of time. After that, a poster or oral presentation needs to be submitted. The dimension of the poster will be of vertical height - 120 cm and horizontal width 80 cm. The poster will be placed vertically. Detailed information for poster/oral presentation will be notified to the authors in due course and updated on this website. We have collaboration with reputed international publishing partners for the conference proceedings with full papers. Authors of selected posters and oral presentations will be requested to submit a full paper for publication in International Journals. Selection of the abstract will be done by our International Review Committee. Details of the publishing partners to publish the conference full papers will be provided soon.
Best Paper and Poster presentation awards covering all thematic areas will be presented during the Valedictory function of ICAMM conference to the authors. Best early career researcher/postdoc will also be conferred at this conference. Selection will be made by our review committee members from respective research areas.
During the conference, there will be a brainstorming discussion meeting to submit joint project proposals to the European Union under the “HORIZON EUROPE” programs for funding between India-Europe and the Rest of the world. We will also discuss other bilateral research programs for collaborative research funding from DST, ANRF-SERB, UGC, BIRAC, DSIR, INSA, and DBT of India and the Rest of the world. Many bilateral international funding applications may also be submitted to DST-NSF, DST-DAAD, DST-DFG, DST-Poland, Indo-French (CEFIPRA), DST-NSF, DST-Australia, etc.
On the last day of the conference, a panel discussion will be held to sum up the deliberations of the conference. This session will be attended by many prominent personalities from industries and academia to foster the start-up ecosystems, support new ideas/concepts, and establish strong Business to Business (B2B) models. This will open up new collaborations, joint ventures, and technology transfers between multinational, medium-scale, and small-scale industrial units across the globe.